Friday, August 27, 2021

Blog Post #9

What are your Core 5?  Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators? What are your essential self-care practices?


  1. What are your Core 5? Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators? What are your essential self-care practices?

    My Core 5 are:
    1. Immediate family
    2. Extended family
    3. Faith
    4. Sleep/rest
    5. Work

    Self-care has to be a priority to educators because you can't take care of others and help others if you don't take care of your self. "You can't pour from an empty cup"

    My biggest self care practice is my morning coffee time. I wake up before everyone else, even though it means I get up a little earlier than I have to, and enjoy a cup of coffee in peace and quiet. Without those 20 minutes of quiet relaxation, my whole day feels rushed.

  2. My Core 5:
    1. family (husband and kids)
    2. extended family
    3. friends
    4. Quiet time for myself
    5. Clean house

    I think self-care is very important for educators. Our entire job is working for others. We have pretty much zero time for ourselves during our work day. By taking work home, we are giving ourselves really no time for ourselves. Typical jobs are not like this. My essential self-care practices are getting together with friends once a week. I give myself time in the morning before I go to work to just relax and watch the Today show for 20 minutes.

  3. My core 5
    1.My husband, daughters and their families
    Self care needs to be a priority for everyone because you can not do your best work when you are physically and emotionally exhausted.
    My self care practices are spending time with my husband and family. I do a devotion each day before I go to work to put myself in the best frame of mind.

  4. My Core 5
    1. Family - Husband & Kids
    2. My Faith and Spiritual Well-Being
    3. Food - eating healthy to truly feed my body and mind
    4. Exercise/Sleep - working out daily and getting at least 7 hours of sleep
    5. Work - accomplishing what is truly important in the workday

    I think that anyone who goes into education must have a tendency to put others before themselves. I say that because people need us ALL DAY LONG! Because we have to give and give of ourselves to our students, we MUST make time to decompress and do little things that help us relax and unwind. We end up grouchy, uncaring teachers otherwise.

    My self-care includes exercising each day before work. This gets me in the right mind. I try to make healthy meals and eat well 80% of the time to feel my best. I read each night before I go to bed, because it helps me to relax and unwind.

  5. What are your Core 5? Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators? What are your essential self-care practices?

    1. Husband, family and faith
    2. Quiet time
    3. Eating healthy
    4. Good sleep habits
    5. work, both home and away from home

    Educators need to focus on self care in order to keep themselves healthy. Most educators tend to put everyone else first and care for others needs before they think of themselves. I do think that educators have to essentially train themselves to take care of their needs so that they can, in turn, take care of others. If teachers do not take care of themselves, they have a hard time staying pleasant and happy to be in their classrooms.

    I would say my self care is two fold. Years ago my husband and I purchased a hot tub, this has been the single most wonderful thing to look forward to at the end of the day. It is so relaxing to sit, meditate and relax my muscles, before i go to bed. Which in turn helps to get those 7 hours of sleep in.

  6. These are my core 5:
    1. Family
    2. Home
    3. Sleep and health
    4. Relationships with friends
    5. Work

    These are what I would choose. I need to work harder to prioritize them this way. I tend to put others first and put myself last. It seems to be common with those in the teaching profession. Teachers need to take care of themselves first or they risk burn out and/or illness.

  7. my 5:
    connections with family
    connections with friends
    me time- reading or other hobbies
    improving myself- food, sleep, exercise
    work- home and school

    yes, no one will make sure you are well before you! As she said in this book teachers are constantly on the run at school doing more mentally and physically than most humans. We have to be our #1 supporter and care giver because NO ONE else can do that!

    I need my chill coffee mornings on the weekends. I need that time to just sit back with my cup and a good Hallmark type movie to find the good in the world and because it is a mindless moment to sit back and relax without anyone needing me! Also- Sunday evenings are also GREAT for a bath, Netflix, and a glass of wine as well!

  8. Whoofda, I think I have been trying to keep so busy as a trauma response that I have trouble even stopping to think what my Core 5 would/should be... Rough draft: my daughter's health and emotional/mental growth, my health and emotional/spiritual growth, Math job, extended family/friends, connecting with music and nature.

    Self-care needs to be a priority because we are facing a very real threat of burnout, and I already learned the hard way that stress leads to chronic disease. I had to learn how to eat healthier, breathe, do physical therapy, and make time to hike and find some joy with my daughter. Petting cats also always makes me feel a little better. I also found photography helps me find the beauty of things. A fitting song helps lift my mood or motivation.

  9. What are your Core 5? Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators? What are your essential self-care practices?

    My Core 5
    1. Family- Spending time with family at home or trips.
    2. Faith- take my kids to church on Wednesday night & attend church on Sundays as a family.
    3. Teaching/Coaching- I love what I do, so this has to be here in my core 5.
    4. Friends- Don't get to spend time with friends often, but feel good when I do.
    5. Self Care- Don't get to do this often either because I don't want to take away from my top 4 to give to myself.

    Self care needs to be a priority because we give so much to other during the day that we often neglect ourselves. I like to sit in the sauna and get my hair cut. I'm going to try exercising more and read more books.

  10. 1. Faith- Sunday mass, prayer, and reading
    2. Family- spending time with my family, giving them the best version of myself
    3. Health/health habits- regular exercise, healthy eating
    4. Teaching- giving the best version of myself to my students everyday, completing work in a timely manner
    5. Rest/quiet time- downtime to recover from the busy schedule, quiet time without distractions (phone, music, tv, computer, people)
    Self-care needs to be a priority for educators (and anyone really) because burnout is very real. Our mental and physical health is more important than any employment. As the author talked about, we are replaceable at our jobs. We are not replaceable to our families and loved ones.
    An essential self-care practice for me is daily (preferably morning) exercise. Also, talking with my husband and children and showing them affection. Reading the mass readings and listening to the homily of a popular podcast is important for me to feel prepared for mass on Sundays.

  11. My core five are: family, exercise, eating healthy, hobbies (mountains/photography), and screen time (social media and tv). Self care needs to be a priority because if we do not take care of ourselves, we will not have the energy and be able to serve others as our best selves. Teaching is so emotionally and mentally demanding, educators need to prioritize self care and role model it for students. My essential self-care practices are exercising (at least one day of running outside), eating healthy, getting enough sleep, downtime, and personal development.

  12. Faith
    Family (husband and daughters)
    Maintaining my home

    Self-care needs to be a priority for educators because we cannot just give of ourselves all day long. We also need to refill ourselves so we are ready for the next day. We need to be able to focus on our work, so we have to give ourselves opportunities to better prepare through self-care.

    My essential self-care is reading the Bible, exercising, and working on my lists of essential house tasks to complete each day in my planner. This allows me to rest once those tasks have been completed and helps me prioritize what is really important.

  13. Callie Dutenhoffer
    My core five include my family, friends, health, faith, and work.
    My self-care includes exercising at least five days a week, socializing with friends, trying to eat healthier foods, and having a day here and there where I can have me time, such as a massage or getting my nails done.

  14. Core 5: Family, generosity, friends, nature, rest

    Self-care is a priority for humans, not just teachers, because we are not machines. We have limits and are perpetually asked to perform outside of our limits.

    My essential self-care practices:
    coffee in the early morning quiet
    walking the dogs
    a full night's sleep
    time with, or regular texting, with my friends
    laughing out loud

  15. What are your Core 5?
    Family, friends, pets, school, church
    Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators? We have to take care of ourselves so we can take care of our obligations to care for others and to do our jobs.

    What are your essential self-care practices? I like to talk on the phone with friends, visit with family, eat meals together, and watch tv.

  16. 1. Family
    2. Exercise
    3. Eating
    4. Friends
    5. Church/bible reading/study

    Self-care needs to be a priority or we get over-worked/drained. We need to have time to decompress and take a break so that we have enough energy to keep going or to do the next thing. We can't pour from an empty cup. If we aren't taking care of ourselves, we certainly cannot take care of others, including our students!

    My essential self-care practices are exercising everyday, getting fresh air as much as I can, playing with my kids, and relaxing on the couch/watching tv.

  17. What are your Core 5? Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators? What are your essential self-care practices?

    My Core 5 are:
    1. Family
    2. Extended family/Friends/Socializing
    3. Faith/Exercise
    4. Sleep/rest
    5. Work

    Self-care has to be a priority to educators because, like a plane ride, you can't/shouldn't help others before you help yourself. In the books of filling our buckets, I've learned I often run on an empty bucket trying so hard to give others every drop and I don't leave myself any and it's not healthy. I've been working harder to set boundaries and give what I can when I can while still having enough for myself.

    My essential self care practices are having good hygiene in my daily routines, playing with and snuggling with my kids, tv time for decompressing, and reading/enjoying the outdoors when I can.

    My biggest self care practice is my morning coffee time. I wake up before everyone else, even though it means I get up a little earlier than I have to, and enjoy a cup of coffee in peace and quiet. Without those 20 minutes of quiet relaxation, my whole day feels rushed.

  18. My Core Five:
    1. Faith in God
    2. Wife
    3. Extended family
    4. Exercise
    5. Hobbies (Down time)

    Self-care needs to be a priority, because without it we may burn out and/or our Core 5 with suffer. So often teachers say they are doing it for the students, which is good, but they can so focus on doing something for the students that their health and things around suffer.

    My biggest self-care is my morning devotion time and my walk to school and from school. Without devotion time, I would be lost. Devotion time is my time to get focus. On my walk to school I do a lot of praying and placing the day into God's hands. On the way home, it helps me unwind and get focused for relaxing and spending time with my wife and cats.

  19. My Core 5 are:
    1. My children
    2. Faith/Church
    3. School
    4. Nature
    5. Quiet Time
    Self-care needs to be a priority for educators because that is what keeps them going and being able to do the best job they can for their students. But self-care is also important because even as teachers, everything is not about our students. The other people in our lives deserve just as much, if not more, consideration.
    My most essential self-care practice is finding quiet time for myself. My 35 minute drive to and from school each day acted as that quiet buffer I needed to move from home to school and school to home. During the day at school, I would incorporate times during the day that I could have that quiet. I start my days with quiet time as I am the first one up on school days. I use that time to get myself focused for the day and get my head ready for the schedule. Another essential for me is getting to spend at least some time outside in nature, even if it is just 10 minutes.

  20. 1. Faith
    2. My girls
    3. Exercise/Nutrition
    4. Nature
    5. Reading/Silence

    Self care is so important to anyone in a service field because we are constantly giving to others. It is rewarding but so draining. If you don't stop and check in on yourself, soon there is nothing left to give. A few simple techniques can be the matter of a total mindshift change. Every morning I wake up and workout for 30 minutes at home. The workout usually has a positive message about mindset. So already I have moved my body and done something to get my mind in the right place. Then when I am getting ready, I listen to my Bible and Bible Recap podcast. Now I have touched on faith while getting ready. By the time I go to work, I have already done 3 things to make me feel better. During lunch, I try to take a quick 20 minute walk outside with a friend. That gives me nature but also a chance to talk to someone who I care about and cares about me. Then in the evening, I like to read and have silence. So I have found a way to hit everything I need most days by placing them into small pockets off time. When I skip some of these things I start to feel crabby and off-centered in life. I know that if I return to these few things, I am so much happier and more emotionally available to others.

  21. What are your Core 5?

    1. My relationship with Christ
    2. My relationship with my husband & family
    3. My church life
    4. Work
    5. Health

    Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators?

    Since education is a care-giving profession, the burnout rate is much higher. Personally speaking, I am at my best as a teacher when my I am well physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Times when I haven't cared for myself have shown me that I can't be effective for others either.

    What are your essential self-care practices?
    1. Music & songwriting
    2. Relaxation with sports & reading
    3. Time alone resting/quiet time


  22. Core Five
    1. Spiritual Time
    2. Family Time
    3. Passion in the Classroom
    4. Moments Outdoors (beekeeping, garden)
    5. Physical Activity

    Self-care is essential for educators because the profession lends us to be giving to others, always. :) That is why we teach - unselfishly and for others. We can only do this if we are at our best.

    Essential self-care practices
    1. Prayer
    2. Workout
    3. Get outdoors

  23. My Core 5:
    1. My Husband - getting intentional time together
    2. My Kids - intentional time and meeting their needs
    3. My Faith - Mass on Sunday, Bible Study, prayer, reading
    4. My Hobbies - Reading, outdoor walks, and podcasts
    5. My Home - Making good, healthy meals, keeping up with housework, etc.

    Self-care needs to be a priority for educators so they can protect themselves from burn-out and exhaustion. If you want to stay in education for the long haul, you need to prioritize your own health and well-being. This is easier said than done, but I completely agree that it needs to be built into our schedules on a daily basis.

    My essential self-care practices:
    1. Conversations with my husband, mom, and sisters
    2. Reading or listening to a podcast in the afternoon,
    3. Bedtime routine
    4. Time outside (but only when it's decent out!)

  24. My Core 5 are: family, extended family, faith, eating healthy/exercise/sleep, and work. Self-care needs to be a priority for educators because it is easy to become overwhelmed in that profession. If you don’t emphasize self-care, you end up becoming exhausted, and leave the profession, which is exactly what I did five years ago. However, I haven’t completely ruled it out and am working towards keeping my certificate. My main essential self-care practices right now are rest and eating healthy as I am 34 weeks pregnant. Thankfully, I have been able to work through the entire pregnancy, but it’s amazing how much time I’ve had to set aside for these specific self-care practices to keep going, but it will all be worth it when I have my beautiful, healthy baby boy! It is also essential for me to cook at home whenever possible. I had not been able to for the first three months as nausea was kicking it, but it’s nice that when that subsided I was able to get back into making healthy meals for my husband and I. I also am realizing that I need to start making exercising a priority again, as that will be essential to me feeling more like myself again.

  25. What are your Core 5? Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators? What are your essential self-care practices?

    Family, friends, food, rest, work responsibilities are my top five. I know I have to take care of myself, so I can take care of others. I find the main thing for me is to get enough sleep, it is essential for good health and being able to make a difference.

  26. Core 5:
    1) My husband and boys
    2) Extended family
    3) Health -- eating, exercise, sleep
    4) Faith
    5) My home

    Self care needs to be a priority to educators as we are caring for others all day and need to be well taken care of ourselves. I can feel myself be less patient in school if I haven't met my own self care needs. Self-care to me looks like; intentional conversations with my husband, meaningful play or activities with my boys, exercice, meal prepping, spending time outside, and praying.

  27. My Core 5 (random order) are:
    Work (I do enjoy it and have a need for it in my life)
    Hobbies (including fitness)
    Homecare (I have a hard time focusing on anything unless my home is tidy-ish and relatively clean)

    My self-care practices are:
    -Alone or quiet time to think/process

    Self-care needs to be a priority for educators because we will never truly be “done with everything”. I’ve spent so much of my life thriving on “getting done”, but the reality is that my work as a teacher doing the “Required Things” won’t actually be done until I quit teaching. There’s always something I could be doing/could be doing better/could fix or edit/ could learn/could certify in/etc. Those things that I personally need to function are things that I will have to purposely make time for even if there are other things to do…because there will ALWAYS be other things to do. This all applies to every educator. We will never get to the end of our to-dos, but in order to excel, we need to take care of us too.

  28. My Core 5 are:
    1. Relationship with my husband
    2. Relationship with my children
    3. Exercise
    4. Eating healthy
    5. My home

    Self-care is crucial for educators to maintain their well-being and effectiveness in the classroom. It helps prevent burnout, enhance resilience, achieve work-life balance, improve focus and productivity, and set a positive example for students.

    My essential self care practices are performing sometime of physical exercise, healthy eating habits, setting boundaries, and seeking support when needed.

  29. My Core 5:
    1. My husband and three children
    2. Extended Family/Friends
    3. Clean house
    4. Time to myself
    5. Living a healthy lifestyle (eating healthy/exercise)

    Self-care is important for anyone, and I think for educators, we need to remember this too since we spend the majority of our time at work serving others. I try to take time every weekend where I do something for just myself to make me feel rejuvenated for the week ahead. By setting boundaries between work and my home life, I am able to meet my own personal needs as well as the needs of my family and then those I see at school.

  30. My Core 5:
    1. Faith
    2. Immediate family
    3. Extended family
    4. Time for myself
    5. Work

    Self-care is not only important to educators but for everyone. We as educators are always trying to fulfill the needs of our students and school, but our own needs of self-care can't be put on the back burner. Create rituals that will become habits in order to become a better person both in personal and professional life. My essential self-care needs would be down time at the end of the evening. 30 min to myself before bed - either reading or watching a TV show. This helps me to close my mind for the night.

  31. What are your Core 5? Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators? What are your essential self-care practices?

    1. Family
    2. Exercise
    3. My Job
    4. Myself
    5. My Hobbies

    Self-care is such an important aspect in my life. As an educator, we are always putting others before ourselves. After those school hours, I try to focus on what will fulfill myself. I am huge on routine, exercise, alone/quiet time, time for my hobbies, time for my boyfriend and dogs. Those are the things I make time for in order to keep my mental health healthy and where it should be.

  32. What are your Core 5? Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators? What are your essential self-care practices?

    My core 5:
    1. Family
    2. Friends
    3. Time spent outside
    4. Movement, exercise/walking
    5. Rest/downtime

    Self care needs to be a priority for educators, and everyone else, because if you loose sight of taking care of yourself, it becomes hard to take care of others. My self care practices include walking outside, reading, and being sure to have some downtime in my week to enjoy TV/rest.

  33. My core 5:
    1. My relationship with my husband
    2. My son & extended family (parents, brother, nieces, nephew, grandkids, etc)
    3. My faith
    4. My health - physical and emotional
    5. My happiness

    Self care needs to be a priority for educators. They have so many demands put on them. If they don't take care of themselves and replenish their own "bucket", they will not have anything to give and there are lots of people, especially their students, needing them to have the ability to give.

    My self care is spending time with my husband just having fun - the activity doesn't really matter - what matters is just time spent with him laughing. I also turn to puzzles of all sorts to "zone out" and give my mind down time to reload and refresh. I love being in nature and need to start doing more of that.

  34. My Core 5:
    1. Family time (my husband, kids, parents, and siblings)
    2. Rest (sleep, downtime, reading)
    3. Exercise
    4. Work
    5. Clean house

    Self care is extremely important for educators because we pour into others all day long every day. It can really drain you, so we need to focus on recharging our batteries. Also, if I don't take care of myself, it will start to show in my classroom. I will be tired, cranky, and just not as present with my students.

    One of my biggest essential self-care practices is sleeping! I take naps on weekends and make sure I get caught up on my sleep. I require a lot of sleep, and I can't focus on the rest of my Core 5 if I am sleep deprived.

  35. 1. Family
    2. Clean House
    3. Social activities (both individual and with my family)
    4. Active Movement (exercise or walking)
    5. Downtime/rest

    Self-care is very essential to educators because so much time and energy is put into others, that it cause a burn-out if you don't do what makes you happy. I love to read and try to read as often as I can, especially before bed. If I've had a stressful day, a walk while listening to a podcast that I love will allow me to zone out and I always feel more calm when I return home.

  36. My core 5 are: Relationship/connection with family, healthy eating/exercise routines, work, connection to community/place, and self- care.

    Self-care needs to be a priority for educators because without it we cannot show up and be our best selves for our students. If we are not showing up as our best selves, there will be very little joy in the classroom and teachers will burn out. Some of my essential self-care practices are: baths, yoga/stretching, exercise, time outside adventuring, time in my garden, reading, and spending quality time with my family/friends.

  37. What are your Core 5? Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators? What are your essential self-care practices?
    Core 5:
    --Relationship/Connection with Family
    --Mental Health (Meditation/Prayer/Self-Care/Positive Mental Stimulation)
    --Physical Health (eating, exercise)
    --Connection with Friends/Community
    --Work (Am I giving in a healthy way to my students/school/career)

    Without self-care, I am not my best self. When I am "unhealthy" or not my best self, I can't bring my best to my students. My lessons won't be as engaging, my patience will be short, I won't exude as much joy (which is contagious for students), and ultimately I will burn-out and not have longevity in the profession.

    Essentials for Self-Care: Prayer, aerobics, reading, fun time with friends and family, gardening, time outdoors, long showers.

    1. The above comment was by Erin Bradfeldt-Albers

  38. My core 5:
    1. Family - husband and extended family
    2. Work - essential in order to meet life goals
    3. Fun - listen to music/podcast, read for fun
    4. Connections with others - friends, book club
    5. Maintain "adulthood" - clean, cook, laundry, etc.

    I think it is important that teachers and everyone really has a focus on self care because if you are not operating at your best, others around you aren't going to get the best from you. You can only pour from a full cup mentality. It is only fair to yourself to be your best self.

  39. My Core 5:
    1. Family
    2. Exercise and healthy lifestyle
    3. Clean/organized house
    4. Work
    5. Downtime: having fun with my family and friends, taking time for me

    Self care needs to be a priority for educations because burn out can happen so easily. As teachers we are always worrying about our students and putting so much energy into others. Educators need to take care of their mental health and take time for themselves so they can enjoy their job. If too much time is dedicated to teaching it will end up being a chore and not an enjoyable job anymore.
    My self care practices are: exercise, outdoor activities/walking, time with husband and friends!

  40. My Core 5
    1. Husband
    2. Kids
    3. work
    4. Monitored Media
    5. Exercise and Eating

    Self care should be planned in to the schedule. It should be a priority to prevent teacher burnout. We make so many decisions in a day and do so much as a teacher when we put energy into our classroom and students.
    My self-care practices are walks, reading, time with my husband and kids, sports, seeing my extended family and friends.

  41. What are your Core 5?
    1. Faith
    2. Family
    3. Friends
    4. Work
    5.Healthy living - exercise/eating healthy
    Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators?
    Self-care needs to be a priority for educators because so many people depend on us. If we don't take care of ourselves, we are not going to be able to take care of others.
    What are your essential self-care practices?
    A few of my self-care practices are walking/working out, getting a massage, and taking naps.

  42. What are your Core 5?
    1. Time with my husband
    2. Time with my kids
    3. Sleep
    4. Health
    5. Books

    Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators?
    Education is an emotional profession. It requires us to give more of ourselves mentally and emotionally and is focused on working towards something larger than ourselves. This is taxing and can easily cause burnout.

    What are your essential self-care practices?
    Leave work at work. Reframe situations rather than swirling in overthinking and guilt. Yoga, meditation, sauna, massage...

  43. What are your Core 5? Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators? What are your essential self-care practices?

    1. Husband and kids
    2. Work
    3. Healthy Habits
    4. Sleep
    5. Recovery/ Downtime

    Self-care needs to be a priority because when I am not caring for myself, it is hard to show up at work and give others patience and attention. I need to attend to my self-care because one is going to do it for me.

    My essential self-care practices are setting boundaries around work and giving myself pockets of time to have some peace and quiet.


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