Friday, August 27, 2021

Blog Post #9

What are your Core 5?  Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators? What are your essential self-care practices?


  1. What are your Core 5? Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators? What are your essential self-care practices?
    My Core 5
    1. My kids
    2. My extended family and friends
    3. Faith
    4. Exercise
    5. Nutrition

    Self-care needs to be essential for educators because we deal with little humans. We make MANY decisions on their behalf every day. Ideally we serve others with patience and kindness. When we are practicing on-going self-care, we give them our best because our cups are full. MANY demands are placed on us and if we don't stay balanced we will reach burnout. Then everyone suffers, including our students.
    My forms of self-care are walking, stretching, listening to music, catching with family and friends, reading and cooking.

  2. What are your Core 5?
    1. Family
    2. Friends
    3. Pets
    4. Sleep/Mental Health/Health
    5. Home/Work

    Self care is so important as educators. We need to be the best versions of ourselves, so we can give our students our best. Our cups need to be filled every day in order to fill students cups and help them succeed. We need to enrich ourselves so we can enrich others and teach them to be the best versions of themselves that they can be.

  3. My essential five are:
    1. family and faith
    2. friends
    3. reading
    4. sleep/rest
    5. teaching

    I feel that self-care is important because if you don't take care of yourself, how can you take care of others. My ideas of self-care are getting pedicures with my daughter, reading books of interest and just relaxing spending time with family and friends.

  4. 1. Husband
    2. Kids
    3. Work
    4. Creativity
    5. Helpful
    I continue to go back and was affirmed in this section that 'your job will be posted before your obituary'. Ensuring your needs are met will make you a better person, spouse, parent, teacher, friend, everything! I am not sure what my care routine should look like, but I am working that out by testing out physical activity, meal planning, and creating routines that help me: reading before bed, watching a show with my husband, calling my sister on the way home from work, making fun plans for the weekend, and putting down my phone in favor of my children. Giving myself permission to fail at these attempts has been tough, but I am keeping in mind progress over perfection!

  5. My core 5:
    1. Family
    2. Health and wellness
    3. Hobbies, things that bring joy
    4. Sleep, rest
    5. Work, close coworkers
    Self care is important for educators because you can't fill others when your bucket is empty. When you are nourished, happy, rested and taken care of, you can focus more on your job. Think about a time when you were either tired, not feeling well or had some personal thing worrying you, were you the best teacher? No you were probably distracted, irritable and short. When you feel your best, you can be your best.

  6. My Core 5:
    1. Husband and Kids
    2. Faith
    3. Extended Family - Parents/Siblings
    4. Work
    5. Nature- outside time
    Self care is important for everyone and as educators we give a lot of ourselves everyday to the students in our classrooms. I need to make sure I am taking care of myself, so that I can show up every day and do my job well. My self care activities include reading, walking, relaxing and having down time with my husband/kids.

  7. My Core 5:
    1. Time with my kids
    2. Time with my husband
    3. church
    4. reading
    5. a hot bath/time in solitude

    Self care is incredibly important to me. My own self-care routine is nothing fancy. It wasn't until I was 37 years old that I found out I have ADHD. This is something I have struggled with my entire life, and finally understand why I am the way I am. That is OK, but I require a great deal of time by myself. As a mom, wife, teacher, and pastor, this does not happen without a great deal of effort. I think each of us knows what we need. Maybe it is a Diet Coke, a quick nap, or a hot bath ( as Sylvia Plath wrote, "There must be quite a few things a hot bath won't cure, but I don't know many of them.). Whatever it is, teachers (and all people) need to take the opportunity for self-care, because we are no good for others without caring for ourselves.

  8. What are your Core 5? Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators? What are your essential self-care practices?

    My Core 5:
    Self-care is vital for educators because unless we are our best selves, we can not be best for the children we serve. My essential self-care practices include, finding balance by immersing myself in nature, spending quiet uninterrupted time with my infant grandsons, and baking. In all of these situations, I slow down, sit in silence, and just be!

  9. What are your Core 5? Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators? What are your essential self-care practices?
    My Core 5 are my relationship with God, relationship with my husband, time with my family, healthy food, and exercise.
    Self-care needs to be a priority for educators because it is very easy to get burnt out-physically, emotionally, and mentally. We have to take care of ourselves in order to show up as our best self and be able to serve and take care of others.
    My essential self-care practices are prayer and meditation, going for walks, doing yoga, meal planning for the week, and having good conversations with family and friends. When I do these things, I feel much more balanced, less anxious, and am in a better mood. The author made some good points about self-care. Before reading this chapter I probably would have said watching shows and eating popcorn was one of my favorite self-care practices!

  10. My core 5 are:
    1. Family/faith
    2. Health
    3. Rest
    4. Hobbies
    5. Work
    Self- care is important for educators because we are constantly giving and taking care of other peoples' needs. Teaching can also be very overstimulating and exhausting. No matter how we are feeling or what is happening in our personal life, we “perform” and be on for our students. The main ways that I practice self- care are making sure I take care of my health with exercise and getting enough sleep. I also make sure that on most weekends I plan one thing that I can look forward to. This could be a date with my husband, activity with my kids and husband, spending time outside, going out with friends, shopping, a movie, etc. Most school nights I also like to the end the day with a relaxing bath. Keeping organized and being in a clean space also feels like self-care to me.

  11. What are your Core 5? Why does self-care need to be a priority for educators? What are your essential self-care practices? My core 5 has changed over the last two years. I start with myself right now (which includes a lot of what could be the core 5-because it works on and addresses mind, body, spirit). I have learned that I am unable to give to others if I have not given to myself first. Family/friends is my second, work and then other commitments. This is more of a broad overview.
    Self care has become crucial for me. As I said I am unable to give to others fully unless I have given to myself. My entire view and focus has changed on taking care of myself. Truthfully, I wish I had learned this earlier.


Welcome Blog Post

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