Friday, August 27, 2021

Blog Post #10

Please post your thoughts about this course below.  What did you like about it?  What didn’t you like about it?  Would you recommend this book study to a colleague?


  1. This course was one of my favorites so far. So many of the topics are beneficial to my personal and professional life. It is a book I will recommend to others.

  2. I like how this class is very self-paces. I feel like I have moved my priorities of my work-life balance in the past few years. I do not put in extra hours to do my job. I work smart and hard when I am there and then enjoy my life when I leave at 4:00. I think this book study has verified that it is alright to have a life outside of the classroom.

  3. I do enjoy the self pacing of the class. I am able to do a little or a lot of work at one time. This book study is an easy read and can pertain to everyone whether in the classroom or not. I would recommend this book study to fellow educators.

  4. I would 100% recommend this book to another teacher. This was eye-opening to me. Especially the fact that some of my stress is truly created by ME! This book makes you take a deep look at yourself and your practices to see what is truly worthy of your time and talent. And it made me realize how much time I waste on silly or needless things. Ugh. Fighting back against school norms seems like such a no-no, but when you really think about a lot of them....why do we do things like that?! So this book gave me a lot of food for thought and I liked all of it and the TED talk videos as well.

  5. Please post your thoughts about this course below. What did you like about it? What didn’t you like about it? Would you recommend this book study to a colleague?

    I have really enjoyed this book and the Ted Talks included. I would 100% recommend this book to another teacher, and others, I think other professionals could benefit form some of the practices as well. I felt that this book has helped me reevaluate some of my habits and time wasting activities that i do. And gave me some ammunition to successfully tackle some problem areas in school and my personal life that may need addressing.

  6. I enjoyed this book study and would recommend it. There was so much self help information. This book is helpful in deciding if all my daily task are important, or is it because it is just the way I always did it. I will definitely be taking a step back and re evaluating some of the way I do things in my classroom and my personal life.

  7. I have read a lot of "teacher self help" books over the years, I think this is one of my favorites. It was an easy read. I also took the podcast study of hers before the book and I would recommend that one as well.

  8. I kind of wish I had chosen to do this book study first out of all of them! I very much needed to hear all of this book. I like how relevant it was for me, and I would recommend it to any teacher because I think the vast majority of us (teachers, especially) need to learn to do fewer things, better. I plan on visiting the book/author website and downloading the workbook, too, to maybe get more down in writing. The only thing I would have changed, on my end, was buying the hard copy book instead of the audio copy. I was trying to save a little money, but it was so good I wish I had the pages to mark and revisit.

  9. This book hit home for me. It has reminded me that it is okay to give myself what I need, to say no, and get things off my plate if it's what's best. I feel like this is one of those books that I will re-read a year from know to remind myself to prioritize. I would recommend this book to my colleagues.

  10. I really liked this book study and would recommend it to other teachers, as well as people in other professions. I think most of us could learn something from the material and reflections. I really enjoyed the TED talks that were part of the lessons as well.
    I don’t think there is anything that I didn’t like.

  11. I really liked this book study as it was different than a lot of the other books I have read about education. It is refreshing to read something that isn't pushing more, but instead pushing prioritizing the most important.

    I do not know that there was anything I didn't like about this book study.

    Yes, I will be recommending this book study to my friends and colleagues.

  12. Callie Dutenhoffer
    I truly enjoyed this book study and it was more than just a credit to me at the end. Although I’m not actively teaching in a classroom, I found that I learned a lot about prioritizing my time and my needs by this book. I have already found myself thinking about the topics in this book when it has come to doing certain things and saying "no" to some tasks. I even recommended this to a friend who has been struggling with work/home balance. There truly wasn’t anything I disliked about it.

  13. What did you like about it?
    -The book! such a powerful piece, I resonated with so many of the principles
    -The simple quizzes

    What didn’t you like about it?
    -using BlogSpot(comments from a few years ago on the same thread as the current term)

    Would you recommend this book study to a colleague?
    - most definitely!

  14. Please post your thoughts about this course below. What did you like about it? I found the book to be very interesting. When I started teaching over 20 years ago, I remember feeling many of the pressures that were mentioned in the book.

    What didn’t you like about it? I can't think of anything I didn't like.

    Would you recommend this book study to a colleague? Yes, I would!!

  15. I love that the class is self-paced. I like to work when I have the time and can fit it in my schedule, much like this book has talked about. I didn't have to stress about finishing something on a certain day, or rushing to get it complete. I really liked this book and found it very easy to read and helpful as a teacher and a mom. I would definitely recommend this book, in fact I already have to a few people. There is nothing that I did not like.

  16. I loved this book! I think it is a good reminder to everyone it's ok to put your needs first sometimes and establish boundaries. It was definitely a much needed mental refresher/breather and made me feel like I'm not alone in feeling overwhelmed by the day-to-day sometimes. There wasn't anything I didn't like about the course. I would definitely recommend it colleagues!

  17. I read the book and then went back to it for the class. I like the self pace of the class. It is very applicable to me in that I am a teacher, vice-principal and athletic director. Also it has me thinking about my core 5 and what is important, non-negotiable, especially outside of the class. It was a good reminder that I don't have to do everything, but focus on doing few things good. I would not change anything. I am going to recommend the book to my faculty, as well as tell them about the class.

  18. It is too bad I didn't come across this book a couple of years ago! She has a lot of good "stuff" that is important for teachers (and others) to hear. I have to say that I was a bit irritated after the first few chapters of the book, but that passed once she got into the meat of her message and what she really meant. Despite my initial feelings, I would recommend the book to others!
    As always, the self-paced format for these book studies is awesome! I can be an example reader at school and then work on quizzes, blog posts, and videos as I have time at home - it all comes together nicely!

  19. I like that the course was self -paced and easy to complete over a few weeks time. I like that this book helped me as both an individual and a teacher. Sometimes content driven text gets to be so heavy but I wanted to return to this text because I knew it was building within me a mindset that would help me an individual.

    I wish there was an interactive checklist that clicked it's self off once our assignment was completed. That would make me feel better knowing each piece had been completed and submitted. I did print off the paper checklist and then drew lines to mark off each major area in to chunks.

  20. This book was a great way to help prioritize my time and help me remember that self care and a work life balance are important, that I don't have to say yes to everything or run myself ragged to prove that I'm a good teacher. I would recommend this book study to my colleagues.


  21. This book study was truly what I needed at this point. It wasn't about something else I needed to implement into my classroom but more about myself as a teacher. I liked how this book and book study was done with know pressure. I felt relaxed while doing the Blogs and quizzes as I knew it was really about making me a better teacher and person. No dislikes and I would absolutely recommend to others!

  22. I can’t say I’m big into self-help books that are not faith-based, however, I did find this book to be an enjoyable read. I also really enjoy the videos that you both choose to play alongside various chapters. It became clear while participating in this course, how I need to stop striving for perfection for myself and have unrealistic high expectations of others. The book and videos were very thought provoking. I can’t say there was anything that I didn’t like about the course, I felt like it was well paced. Yes, I would recommend this book study to a colleague, as I would with most of these book studies that I have participated in. I find them very enjoyable.

  23. This is an excellent book for educators, especially young people starting out in the profession. I really enjoyed reading it, and I would highly recommend it to others.

  24. I loved this course! The book was great and had practical strategies to implement into my life. I liked that the book study assignments are all work at your own pace. I have already recommended this book study to colleagues! Thanks

  25. I would definitely recommend this book study to colleagues. I appreciate the flexibility of the self-paced course, allowing me to complete it over a few weeks. This book has been beneficial for me both personally and professionally as a teacher. While some content-heavy texts can feel overwhelming, I found myself drawn back to this one because I recognized it was shaping my mindset in a positive way.

    I do wish there was an interactive checklist that automatically marked tasks as completed once finished. This feature would provide me with reassurance that each part of the assignment was done and submitted. Overall, this book study was exceptional and I really enjoyed the blog posts and the quizzes that were given for reflection.

  26. I really enjoyed this book. I think it's a good reminder to us educators that we need to set boundaries and be able to rid ourselves of the mindset where we have to work late and be exhausted to feel satisfied with our jobs. Our personal time is important and this book does a nice job of helping us work through what our priorities are and how we should use our time effectively.

  27. Please post your thoughts about this course below. What did you like about it? What didn’t you like about it? Would you recommend this book study to a colleague?

    I enjoyed this course as it was my first book study. My favorite part was the fact that I could do it at my own pace. With a busy schedule, I sat down whenever I had time and got a couple things checked off the list. I was able to relate and learn from a lot of the content throughout the book. I feel as if I have been able to implement some of the strategies given already. I would recommend this course to someone as it was recommended to myself.

  28. I enjoyed this book study, probably more in relation to my personal life than my professional life. I thought there were a lot of good tips to evaluate priorities and simplifying to do lists.

  29. I enjoyed the course. I would recommend it to colleagues. I usually enjoy the TED talks but did not enjoy all of them this time.

  30. I enjoyed this course. I thought the book was full of great reminders on why doing less is important and ways that I can focus on doing just that. I love the self-paced nature of the course as well. I would recommend it to colleagues for sure. There wasn't really anything I didn't like about it.

  31. I really enjoyed this course and found it reflective with this season in my personal life. I unconsciously do most of this already to make the flow of the week less stressful, but it's great to be reminded to make sure that I do self-care for myself as well. I can tell when I don't prioritize my self-care and I'm giving a lot at home and at work, it can be mentally exhausting. This book was a good example of how to do better at the work/home life balance. The blog posts and Ted Talks on this course was interesting and easy to follow along. I would recommend this book to colleague or anyone really!

  32. I enjoyed this course. The book and additional materials were relevant and helpful to where I am at in my quest for work/life balance. It's helpful to have a self-paced course that is relevant and doesn't add stress to my life. I would (and have!) recommend these book studies to colleagues.

  33. I truly enjoyed this course! It was laid-out in an easy-to-follow way, and had so much beneficial material! I have already incorporated new routines into my work/life world that have allowed me to be more organized, healthy, and happy--both at work and in my personal life. I would definitely recommend this book and ,course to other educators!

  34. I have done a few of these book studies, and enjoyed this one as well. I appreciate the concept. For me, I'm not currently in the classroom and I found this topic to be able to easily carry-over into my current role in "corporate" world. So I appreciate that this is applicable to multiple areas and time well spent. I always appreciate that this is self-paced. I would absolutely recommend this course to others! Thanks for putting this course together.

  35. This course was very beneficial for my personal and professional life. It was a great reminder of how to spend my time and how important it is. I love the flexibility of these book studies. Yes I would recommend this course to others.

  36. This course was one of my favorites. It really had me thinking about my daily practices and lifestyle and what I could do to help improve. I like that all of these books studies allow me to take it at my own pace and that we are able to reflect rather than just take a quiz!


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