Friday, August 27, 2021

Blog Post #10

Please post your thoughts about this course below.  What did you like about it?  What didn’t you like about it?  Would you recommend this book study to a colleague?


  1. I would recommend this book study to others. I like the way the book is laid out and the manner in which she covers/explains the content. I like the accompanying videos as well. I will return to it to make an even better schedule for myself.

  2. I love how this book is about empowering yourself not only as an educator but as a person in day to day life. I really enjoyed this course and would 110 percent recommend to anyone. I definitely took a lot away from this course that I will continue to use daily.

  3. I loved how this book had me thinking about work and home at the same time. Teachers struggle with putting their self-care before others and want to help their students and coworkers succeed. I liked having to think of the Core 5 and put those in line of importance to me. I always hold family and faith together, because it is very important to me to show my family that Jesus is the Key to everything that is important to us. I am very lucky to teach in a religious school and get to talk to the students about Jesus and how he loves us.

  4. I liked the book study. I wish there were more active activities to try or more involvement with each other. I understand it is self-led, but I would think having an accountability partner would be beneficial. Also, I don't think there can be complete buy in until these thoughts come from the top down. Until the expectations are relaxed by administrators and parents who expect you to be 'on-call' at all hours, this will not be accepted. Until then the guilt at doing what you truly believe to be right (and I do believe it is) will be difficult. I also liked that this not only applied to my teaching career, but came at an apt time for my husband, who is a transportation director for a different school district drowning in the bus driver crisis. We got to discuss, and I printed out pages 244-245 for both of us to post as a reminder, 'WE have to do whatever it takes, as a school community, not YOU.' All very apt at any time in anyone's career-- you can only do as much as you can do and after that, there will have to be other options, the weight of each student cannot be solely on you-- ask for help, get creative with solutions, but ultimately, understand that sometimes it's all you can do. *sighs in relief* Goodluck, everyone.

  5. I enjoyed this book study. The book itself was easy to read and a good reminder that spending hours outside of school does not determine your worth as a teacher. I think we could all be happier if we took more time for things we enjoy that are more meaningful than hours upon hours of prep time for work.

  6. I absolutely loved this book study! I wish I would have done more sooner! It is wonderful the way it relates not only to our school life, but our own personal life. With everyone's busy, busy lives with work, parenting, grandparenting, household, taking care of parents, etc. it is great to have these book studies where you can work at your own pace. This is much needed! I did recommend to a couple of colleagues and they signed up! Thank you for this great study!

  7. I really enjoyed this book study - it's the first one I've done and I'm excited to do more. I would absolutely recommend this book to friends! I like how it applied not only to the classroom but I was able to challenge myself and take away items for both my professional life as well as to apply with my family. I thought the book was very easy to read and had great take-aways throughout. I enjoyed the Ted talks because they provided another perspective to consider within the same topics. Well done, thanks for letting me be part of this study!

  8. I really enjoyed reading this book! I think it was a great book for me to read at this stage in my life and career. I enjoyed working on the Book Study when I had time and at my own pace. I thought it was a nice combination of reading, quizzes, blogs and Ted Talks. Thanks for this great Book Study!

  9. I greatly enjoyed this course. I liked the chapter quizzes and the self-paced format. I would definitely recommend this to colleagues. I did not know what I was going to do for continuing education credits. Thank you for offering these book studies. I will participate in more.

  10. I have already recommended this book study to others! I wish I had read this book sooner in my teaching career. I love the format and self pace of the class.

  11. Please post your thoughts about this course below. What did you like about it? What didn’t you like about it? Would you recommend this book study to a colleague?
    I really enjoyed this book and course. I think it has the potential to make changes in school and teacher culture. It was very helpful to rethink how I have always done things in my life, just because I've always done them a certain way. I also liked the very practical, step by step strategies of evaluating how you spend your time and brainstorming how you can make changes with that. I would definitely recommend this study to a colleague.

  12. I really enjoyed this book study! I enjoyed the topic, ted-talks, and doing the class at my own pace. I have taken several book studies from you, and they're always my #1 reccommendation to coworkers who are needing to renew!

  13. I have already shared this book with others. I really enjoyed it. Very good read!


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